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The Close Contact, The New Yorker
Self Help Manual, Zetland
The Valley
Streams, rivers and thoughts
Dopamine, explained, Vox
Disability in Romance,
The Washington Post
How we engineer feedback at Figma with eng crits, Figma
The Allure and Peril of Gem Hunting,
T Brand Magazine
The Library of Soil, Vox
Coming Out Journey, Aware Journal
Flowing into Fall 
Male Birth Control, Cosmopolitan Magazine
AAPI Poster, REI
Damp January, The New York Times
The Story of a Depression Patient, Ztoryteller
Climate Change Emotions
The Diagnosis Trap, The Atlantic
Goings On About Town, The New Yorker
Weddding Diet, The New York Times
Two Fathers One Egg, Neo.Life
Marriage Bliss, The New York Times
What to Read to Come to Terms
 With Death,The Atlantic
The Beauty of Silent Walk,
The New York Times
Embedded Signing, Dropbox
The Future of Work, Asana
The Bee Hive
Sounds of the Forest, Imagine 5 
Still Healing
Mental Illness history, The New York Times
The Future of Food, Imagine 5
Stepping into Spring
Ghost Church, The New Yorker
Quiet Seabed